My Story
I'm from a small town in Ontario, Canada, and have been living on the west coast in beautiful British Columbia for the past 9 years.
My pursuits and passions have always reflected my innate desire to serve people. As a Registered Bioenergetics Practitioner, Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor and former police officer, I've been incredibly blessed to have been able to help improve the lives of others in a lot of different ways.
My love for personal & professional development was sparked by an incredibly difficult time in my life (as is the case for many people): the messy ending of a serious relationship, selling my dream home, and transitioning out of a "safe and secure" career in law enforcement into the world of entrepreneurship.
When I found High Performance Coaching, I was smitten. And when I applied it to my own life, I was blown away! It was a no-brainer to join a community of highly-regarded coaches and become certified so that I can be better equipped to help facilitate the same transformation in the lives of others at a high level.
It's my sincerest pleasure to introduce you to High Performance Coaching, and I look forward to joining you in your journey, meeting you where you're at, diving deep, and helping you to create the life of your dreams.