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Writer's pictureMelissa Millar

Want to Escape the Corporate World & Start a Business? Here's How...

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about escaping the mundane ins-and-outs of your Monday-Friday, 9-5, soul-sucking career, but have no idea where to start, and quite frankly, wonder if you might be going a little bit crazy?

If so, you aren’t alone.

My name’s Mel. I’m a Certified High Performance Coach for driven professionals who are feeling stuck, or even trapped, in their careers and wholeheartedly KNOW that they’re not even coming close to reaching their full potential. They’re bored, exhausted, undervalued and unfulfilled.

As a former police officer, I know firsthand what it feels like to question whether or not you’re doing what you’re “meant” to be doing and having the impact you’re meant to be having. To feel that niggling, nudging, tugging at your heart, and a KNOWINGNESS that there’s more available to you, that there’s a bigger vision your soul is feeling called to explore.

I remember all too well how crazy I thought I must be when I started wondering if I was on the right path - especially after all of the literal blood, sweat and tears I had poured into my career already.

To leave such a “secure” job that comes with a decent salary, pension plan and benefits package… what would people think? Would my partner support me, leave me, call me nuts? How would people see me? What if I fail? What would I even do, and how would I do it? It feels so vulnerable!

The problem is that too many people let these worries and thoughts stop them from taking the leap. They settle for living the same day over and over, doing the same things, the same routines, day in, day out - they keep themselves small, stuck, undervalued, unfulfilled and miserable - because it’s the “safe” and “reliable” thing to do.

Makes sense, right? Unless the thought of being on

your deathbed filled with regret for NOT doing all the amazing things you wanted to do scares the shit out of you like it did me (and still does)….

But so many people end up finding that, as they keep dimming their flame, stuffing themselves in that cramped little box of societal acceptance and not answering the call that’s on their heart and soul, they are wreaking havoc on their body - emotionally, spiritually, mentally AND physically.

Luckily, I’ve discovered a solution to this problem….

In fact, I actually take a pretty different approach when it comes to helping women get what they really want in life. Some could say it’s the “wishy-washy” or “woo-woo” stuff (I totally would have too, before I knew better and before I was ready to face all of my inner crap), but in all honesty, it’s the foundational work I wish I knew I needed to be

doing from the get-go. The work I do with clients now is the work I also had to do in order to allow the needle to start to move in my own business. Like, REALLY move.

I used to be all about the frameworks, structure, templates, funnels, email lists, webinars, you name it. Not that there’s anything wrong or bad about these things. But it took me way longer than it should’ve to realize that these things were not allowing me to be ME, or do things MY way. I felt so restricted and confined and anything BUT free and flow, which were both things I knew I wanted and NEEDED for my life and business.

SO, to escape your 9-5 and start a business that lights up every aspect of who you are - your values, qualities, beliefs, talents & wisdom - without finding yourself frozen in fear, doubt, overwhelm and uncertainty, you need to take a CAB:

Clarify exactly what you want, why you want it, and WHEN you want it;

Align with the vision you have for your next level self and energetically shift into being that person now;

Believe that ANYTHING you “see” for yourself, life and business in the future is real and available to you, and the possibilities are endless… and then call all of that juicy goodness in and claim it!

Now you may be thinking “Ohhhh, is THAT all, Mel? Well then, I’ll just go ahead and…wait… what the hell do you want me to do?”

Okay, okay. Here’s the thing:

Clarifying exactly WHAT you want, why you want it, HOW you want it and WHEN is like placing your order with the Universe (or God, Source, etc). You must get specific about the things you want for your life. Because if you don’t, you may get something totally different, or even disappointing, anticlimactic, and just plain dull. So for example, if you want to be your own boss, grow a kick-ass business and make amazing money on YOUR terms, what does that all look like down to the smallest details? (Be COMPLETELY and utterly unapologetic about it, too. It does not make you selfish or ungrateful to want ALL the good things.)

Second, by aligning yourself with that bold & beautiful vision, you’re essentially “tuning in” energetically to it, or becoming a “vibrational match” for it. This is how the law of attraction works (in a nutshell). So when you picture your next-level self, what is she like? Where is she, and what’s she doing? What are her mannerisms, habits and routines? What’s her demeanor like? Is she well-dressed, or is she in a t-shirt by the pool doing a zoom call with clients? Close your eyes and picture her. Now FEEL into what it would be like to BE her… and you’ve just become a vibrational match for that exact thing. It feels peaceful, easy and just like a “hell yes” in your body. You may even feel excitement and a sense of “knowing.” Alignment feels really good. Now do the same thing when you envision your dream business. This is powerful stuff.

Thirdly, as simple as this one is, that doesn't mean it's EASY. You have to BELIEVE all of it is possible for YOU. This is where the work comes in, because things can get a little muddy when all that inner “gunk” you’ve been holding onto for YEARS gets stirred up. This is where I go deep with my clients into all the stories they’ve been telling themselves about why they can’t do something, have something, BE something, why they’re not good enough, knowledgeable enough, professional enough, pretty enough, fit enough…the list goes on. Or maybe the story they tell themselves is that they’re TOO MUCH! Either way, none of it is real. You literally get to decide that these old stories are no longer useful and no longer dictate what you do or don’t do. And you get to choose to believe instead.

These are all things I hone in and expand on with clients. There’s a LOT to learn about how to piece all of this together to make it work for you seamlessly. It took me a LONG time to learn and apply these things. And because I want women to instead be able to take the same leaps and bounds in a matter of MONTHS instead of YEARS, I’ve created The UNLEASHED Coaching Program, so that they can get past all their “gunk” as quickly as possible, unleash their inner badass, and start seeing HUGE strides in their lives and new ventures. The shifts that you’ll experience during our time together are transformative in so many ways.

If you’d like, let’s hop on a quick phone call together to see if my UNLEASHED Method may be the right fit for you.

Just book a time to chat that works for you:

***During that call, we’ll look at where in your life you’re feeling the most stuck, stagnant, or trapped, and come up with a plan for how you can create the freedom, flexibility, life and business you know you’re meant to have and what your best next steps would be if you decide to pursue it.***

There’s zero obligation to work with me, of course, but if we do end up being a fit I’ll invite you to join the tribe and we can do all of this together.

Don’t die with your light still inside of you. Refuse to settle.

Looking forward to chatting with you!


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