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Welcome, Gorgeous!

Your transformation begins here. I'm absolutely elated to serve and support you at THE highest possible level. 

Ready to say 'yes' to yourself?

You know you're meant
for so much more...

Hey! I'm Mel...


As a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution Practitioner, Registered Bioenergetics Practitioner, Energy Healer & Founder of the Luminous Life Program, I'm so passionate about supporting and guiding women leaders and entrepreneurs in their pursuit of deeper fulfillment, impact & abundance. My specialty lies in using unique energetic practices to help you reconnect with your purpose, discover your true potential, embody your Highest Self, and heal on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels, all to bring your beautiful vision to life from a place of alignment, empowerment & levity.


That said, if you landed here, chances are you're ready for CHANGE.


You're fueled by purpose and passion. You've already achieved a level of success in your career/business/life, yet you still feel like you're settling for less. You have a deep inner "knowing" that there's so much MORE to be had in life.


You're feeling the "pull" - call it a nudge, a niggling, a tug on your soul that's telling you you're meant for so much more. You feel "unsettled" inside, and it's freakin' uncomfortable! Why? 


Because you're only scratching the surface of 

your true potential.... And you're so ready to

fully tap into and UNLEASH it!


​Whether you're:

  • an entrepreneur ready for that next big leap in your business (or you want to START your own business);

  • in a career you've worked your butt off for, and you've got your eye on the next leadership role or promotion;

  • wanting to transition into a completely NEW career;


OR, if you're:

  • feeling dissatisfied in one or more of your relationships,

  • ready to take your health to the next level 

  • excited about the idea of creating wealth, abundance and fulfillment in any capacity...


...either way, I'm totally here for all of it. You get to have it all.


You're so WORTHY of it. It's your birthright.


I know something big is just around the corner for you. Your on the cusp of your next level-up. â€‹You're standing on your very own growth edge. But there's maybe just one or two things getting in the way of your greatness...


  • You're paralyzed by fear & resistance

  • You're doubting and de-valuing your abilities, constantly questioning yourself 

  • Limiting beliefs cause you to keep hedging, hesitating and putting off what you came here to do

  • You're overwhelmed with all of the options you have, keeping you on an analysis paralysis hamster wheel


I KNOW what it's like to feel stuck, stagnant and blocked. And I also know you're SO incredibly capable of navigating through all of it, just like I did.

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Your evolution awaits...

You're ready to give your soul exactly what it came here for:​
Growth. Expansion. Evolution.

I wouldn't be doing my job if I told you it's okay that you're still playing small. Especially when I know what you're capable of. You are powerful beyond measure. There are limitless possibilities and potentials available to you.


The question I have for you is...


Will you choose to tap into that power? To reach levels of success that you maybe haven't even imagined for yourself yet.


Thing is, I was in the same boat not long ago, too. Unfulfilled, exhausted, uninspired, unmotivated... yet, at the same time, there was an unquenchable fire inside me... a feeling, a longing, a desire I couldn't shake. A deeper "knowing" that I was meant to be doing something BIGGER, and in a way that allowed me to have a much greater impact. 


For WAY too long, I told myself I was crazy. I told myself everyone else would think the same if I were to share my aspirations of leaving a very successful career behind (a career I literally shed blood, sweat and tears for) to anyone in my closest circle of family and friends. As you can probably imagine, this held me back for a long time. Not only did I have a total lack of clarity, but I was grappling with all the fears, too: fear of judgment and rejection, fear of failure... but MOST of all, fear of success!


Even when I was taking aligned action, I was met with so much resistance from not only those around me, but also - and especially - from MYSELF. 


I don't want you to stay stuck as long as I did. It's painful. And unsettling. And most of all, completely unnecessary. 


You didn't come this far to only come this far.


I don't care how big, bold, hairy and audacious your goals are. You truly CAN have it all, gorgeous. You just have to get out of your own way first. And supporting you with that just so happens to be my jam AND my absolute joy.


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